Ergon - training and certification courses 22 290 29 09
UDT training

Welding and welding of plastics

Plastics Plastics, or polymers, are materials that consist of synthetic polymers that do not occur in nature. The following examples of types of such plastics are mentioned: synthetic plastics of natural origin, synthetic...
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UDT training

Where are air compressors used?

Air compressors Air compressors and air compressors are devices with a very wide range of applications. Air compressors can be found virtually anywhere that air at the right pressure is needed. Petrol stations,...
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UDT training

UNO - use, risks and powers of the TDT

The equipment that is used to fill and empty the tanks is quite complex machinery, and to operate it requires specific licences granted by the Transport Technical Supervision, which, once acquired, are...
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UDT training

TDT certification - how to get it

In workplaces, specialised authorisations are required for specific positions. There are many types of these and for different machines and they come under different authorities. In this text, we will discuss what a TAD is...
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UDT training

Container handling equipment

There are different pieces of equipment that are used in factories or warehouses. Each has different functions and is used for different things. In this text, we will focus on the equipment, thanks to...
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