In order to obtain appropriate fire protection qualifications, one must, in particular, have appropriate education.

Permissions can be obtained in two ways:

  • graduation from a firefighting school, for example the Main School of Fire Service in Warsaw or the School of Aspirants of the State Fire Service in Kraków, Poznań at the Central School of the State Fire Service in Częstochowa. After completing education at the Warsaw school, the participant obtains the title of fire engineer, while in the case of aspirant schools it is the title of fire technician
  • completion of courses organized by training centers and fire schools located at the Provincial Headquarters of the State Fire Service. After completing the course, the participant receives the title of fire protection specialist if he / she attended a course organized by the Main School of Fire Service. For other schools, he receives the title of a fire protection inspector

Inspector and fire protection specialist

The differences between the two positions lie in different powers. The inspector is authorized to carry out activities within the scope of Firewhich relate to the obligations of the owner of a building, construction object or a given area, while a specialist in this field has broader qualifications that entitle him to work also in other areas, for example in a commune or voivodeship.

The validity of the obtained fire protection qualifications is 5 years. After this period, you should refresh your knowledge by participating in the next training.

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