Health and safety regulations

Occupational health and safety is a set of regulations that indicate how to safely and hygienically perform assigned tasks at various workplaces. The body responsible for compliance with occupational health and safety regulations is the National Labor Inspectorate (PIP).
Basic health and safety regulations are to be found in the Labor Code, section X. They are also included in many ordinances, including the Ordinance on general health and safety at work (Journal of Laws of 1997, No. 129, item 844 with with later changes), as well as in the Polish Standards.
The regulations define, among others, the following:
- conducting medical examinations of employees
- employee training in the field of occupational health and safety
- nuisance and harmful factors in the work environment
- hiring young workers
- protection of women
- occupational diseases
- accidents at work
- employee benefits
According to the regulations, the employer may entrust tasks related to occupational health and safety to external health and safety specialists who are not employed in the workplace, but meet the legal requirements in this regard. Employees and employers must also be familiarized with the current general and specific regulations regarding a given workplace, for which initial and periodic training is provided.
Compliance with occupational health and safety regulations allows to minimize the number of accidents at work and lowers the risk of occupational diseases. Employers who do not comply with the requirements face financial penalties.
Health and safety regulations apply to both employers and employees, who are obliged to diligently comply with them.
Legal basis: Act of June 26, 1974, Labor Code, consolidated text: Journal Of Laws of 1998, No. 21, item 94 with amendments The provisions can be found, in particular, in Art. 100 § 2 point 3 of the Labor Code, Art. 211-212 of the Labor Code
Employees are required to comply with occupational health and safety and fire regulations.
The employee must in particular:
- know the safety regulations applicable to him, as well as participate in training and instruction in this field, he must also undergo examinations to check his knowledge
- perform their tasks in a manner consistent with the principles of occupational health and safety, and, if necessary, follow additional recommendations of their superiors in this regard
- take care of the tools, equipment and machines you use, as well as order in the workplace
- use collective protection measures, including clothing, footwear appropriate to the workplace
- must undergo initial, periodic and follow-up medical examinations, as well as other medical examinations, in accordance with legal requirements
- in the event of an accident at work, threat to human health or life, he must immediately notify his supervisor and warn co-workers about the danger
- actively cooperate with superiors and the employer to improve the health and safety at work in the enterprise