Characteristics and applications of mobile platforms
Mobile platforms, also known as cranes, are used for work at height. They are a separate group of construction machinery which, by their type, consist of a platform that is suspended or raised on a crane. The platform moves vertically and horizontally. In addition, such a platform consists of a boom and a chassis.
Mobile platforms are ride-on platforms with either electric (charged by battery or straight from the mains) or combustion engines.
We divide platform booms into three groups:
- articulated,
- telescopic,
- articulated-telescopic.
Escalators are used to transport people, heavy loads or tools at heights. With the right platforms, they transport equipment and workers efficiently and safely.
When choosing a machine, it is worth considering its application. Scissor lifts are best for vertical work, while articulated telescopic lifts are best for difficult floors and working in hard-to-reach places. It is also worth considering where the machine will be used - outdoors or indoors - and the maximum lifting capacity of the platform.

With regard to the transport capacity, platforms are divided into mobile and self-propelled. In turn, with regard to the displacement mechanism, mobile platforms are divided into:
- Scissor lifts
They have a scissor mechanism. |
They are used for vertical operation only. |
The platform floats from a few metres to several tens of metres. |
They are relatively small, making it possible to work in small spaces. |
They have non-marking tyres. |
The support structure consists of two, interconnected double-armed levers. |
They are used for small jobs, such as painting walls, installing electrical systems, air conditioning or heating systems. |
- Telescopic mobile platforms
These are mobile platforms with a telescopic arm, lifting from a dozen to even several tens of metres. |
The arm can rotate 360°, without having to rotate the whole machine. |
These devices perform well in difficult conditions, on uneven ground. |
They have four-wheel drive and tyre protectors. |
Used in the construction industry, in shipyards or in high-rise window cleaning. |
- Articulated mobile platforms
Universal mechanism - due to the type of joints, they perform a specific twist of the arm. |
They make it possible to get into hard-to-reach places. |
The platform can elevate the platform to a great height with positioning to work freely. |
They are used, among other things, for window cleaning, electrical work, renovation or construction work in enclosed facilities. |
- Telescopic telescopic boom lifts
They operate at ranges of up to several tens of metres. |
They are used outdoors and indoors. |
They have the ability to manoeuvre in different directions, even when the basket is raised. |
Used for work on tall structures and buildings. |
There are a number of mobile platforms on the market. It is possible to buy or rent various types of lifting equipment, which sometimes becomes the best solution.

Manufacturers of mobile platforms
Alp-Lift; Bocker; Lionlift; Omme; Snorkel; Steinweg; Aichi; Bison; Bizzocchi; Bronto; BST; Cella; CTE; Dino Lift; Euro Access; Eurozoom; France Elevateur; Genie; Grove; GSL; GSR; Haulotte; Holland lift; Hunter; JLG; Manitou; Marklift; Maxlift; MEC; Moog; Niftylift; Oil & Steel; Pagliero Multitel; Palazzani; Paus; RAM; Riffaud; Ruthmann; Simon; Sky High; Skyjack; Tecchio; Terex; Versalift; Weber; Wumag.
Questions and Answers
Which moving platform should I use to paint the building?
A scissor lift platform is the best solution for painting the facade of a building. It allows vertical movement by means of a special structure which lifts the platform - the basket.
What is the difference between an articulated lift and a telescopic lift?
In articulated lifts, an arm lifts the basket. This arm consists of successively unfolding segments connected by pendulum joints. A telescopic lift consists of at least three articulated joints. One connects the arm to the base and two further arms to the basket.