Principles of first aid

Knowledge of first aid is not only useful at work. It can be far more useful at home, on the street or even when our own health and lives are at risk. First aid is as much about dressing wounds, knowing how to evacuate as it is about knowing CPR.  

Where and how to learn first aid?  

What is first aid

To hone your knowledge, feel confident in emergency situations, go to our first aid course. The training consists of a theoretical part and a practical part, where you can practice artificial respiration, CPR or putting the victim in a safe position.  

Don't hesitate and be sure to check out our training offer. 

Let us remember that our skills can save someone's life.

Who we are? 

For years, our company has been involved in providing training of all kinds, not only in first aid. We are characterised above all by reliability, passion and flexibility! The pre-medical first aid course is one of the most popular courses in our company.

Professional training  

In addition to individual training, we also provide professional training for employees! The classes contain a lot of theory, but also practical exercises to help you master a difficult situation. We provide a brief overview of the course topics in the table below. 

Theoretical part: The practical part: 
Legal issues in the area presented;  Organisation of evacuation with selection of casualties;  
Information on emergency numbers and how to properly notify the emergency services;  Practice placing the casualty in a safe position;  
Principles of evacuation of injured persons;  Practising cardiopulmonary resuscitation on a manikin;  
Management of injuries such as burns, frostbite, fractures, foreign bodies in wounds, bleeding, head, chest or abdominal injuries;  Assistance in the following situations: traffic accidents, electrocution or lightning, drowning, choking, epilepsy, fainting, spinal injuries and others.  
Management of life and health emergencies: poisoning, choking, epileptic attack, lightning or electric shock, fainting, heart attack;  
Checking vital signs in casualties;   
Principles of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in adults and children - performing cardiac massage and artificial respiration;   

This is exactly what you can learn by taking our first aid course, and much more! 

Our training courses are distinguished by their flexibility. We can easily adapt the training programme to the individual needs of the client, of course adding topics specific to individual jobs in the company. There is something for everyone, you will learn about the hazards of your workplace and any solutions to avoid unnecessary stress.  

Where and how to learn first aid

The form of first aid training can be open or closed. The open form is designed for everyone. You only need to be interested in the subject and want to improve your knowledge and skills. The closed form, on the other hand, is only for organised groups, including those who have been referred for training by an employer or institution.  

Where can you find us?  

First aid courses are on our regular offer. On the website you will find a list of new, free course dates for each city depending on your preferences. We are available in Warsaw, Krakow, Katowice and Bielsko-Biala, among others. We have a wide range of equipment for practical training! Modern classrooms, resuscitation dummies and other accessories to make your training even more effective. 

We guarantee access to any place in Poland for a closed course! Price is determined individually, and the day and time of the class is entirely up to you. Feel free to contact us and fill in the application form.  

cardiac massage on a manikin

Trust us and don't delay, we will train you in first aid so that you feel safe and ready no matter what situation you find yourself in! Once you have completed our course, you will always be ready to help.