RODO, or Data Protection Regulation is a set of established regulations designed to protect us as citizens from the unwanted dissemination of our confidential data, for example: 

  • name, 
  • PESEL, 
  • residential address, 
  • e-mail address, 
  • contact number, 
  • parents' names. 
Cabinet at the Data Protection Authority

It was passed by the European Union and is intended to protect all individuals in the context of the processing of personal data and to regulate its free movement on the basis of relevant legislation. The RODO was introduced to harmonise European law and is intended to give Europeans themselves more control over their personal data. In addition, it helps companies reduce bureaucracy, which increases trust from customers. RODO came into force 27 April 2016 for a so-called transitional period, which lasted until 25 May 2018. Since then, it has been in force in all EU countries, replacing Directive 95/46/EC.

The RODO introduces, among other things: 

  • better and easier use of personal data 
  • the right to erasure, to be "forgotten", 
  • more efficient data transfer between providers of different services, 
  • The right to be notified of a hacking attack on our data, 
  • the possibility of pseudonymisation and encryption of data. 

As calculated, standardising the law in this way and making it uniform throughout the European Union is expected to help save 2.3 billion euro per year. In the report European Commission of 2020, the new RODO provisions have been assessed positively. According to the RODO, there is seven guiding principles processing of personal data, and these are: 

  • the principles of fairness, legality and transparency, 
  • the principle of purpose limitation, 
  • data minimisation principle, 
  • regularity principle, 
  • storage restriction principle, 
  • principle of integrity and confidentiality, 
  • the principle of accountability. 

RODO training - is it worth it? 

Despite the existence of the RODO for several years now, many companies still have problems correctly interpreting and complying with all the regulations contained therein. So what should we do if our staff or ourselves are clearly lacking in knowledge of the aforementioned regulation? Companies offering a variety of courses on RODO and all related issues can help. These can be taken both in-house and online. The question as to whether it is worthwhile at all to decide to take part in this type of course needs to be answered by outlining the benefits of completing it.These include, for example: 

  • free legal support, 
  • various RODO certifications, 
  • access to a range of training materials, 
  • model documents on RODO, 
  • acquire useful practical skills and the necessary theoretical knowledge,  
  • company-specific guidance and guidelines on the subject of personal data, 
  • learning from experienced and recognised experts dealing with legal data protection issues. 
Lecture hall with training in progress

Usually, companies organising this type of training take great care to ensure that the trainer is as reliable as possible and conveys the knowledge they have in an accessible and interesting manner. Their openness and willingness to dispel any doubts on the RODO issue is also a feature desired by training participants. In case of questions, participants should count on precise and comprehensive explanations, as the topic of RODO still raises many doubts by its complexity. In this case, attending a professionally conducted training course under the guidance of competent lecturers seems to be a good solution. RODO training courses usually consist of a number of different thematic blocks, the understanding and practice of which is necessary in order to be able to navigate this topic freely in the future. The theoretical elements according to which the training usually takes place are: 

  • the source of all rights (familiarisation with the various laws, instruction on how to read RODO, sensitisation on changing legislation, etc.), 
  • RODO in the context of human resources (Labour Code, recruitment or data processing issues), 
  • Presentation of key concepts and information on RODO, 
  • responsibilities in the circulation and processing of personal data, 
  • issues whose fulfilment guarantees the lawful processing of personal data (required consents, procedures, etc.), 
  • established rules on the processing of personal data, 
  • The most important rights of persons covered by the RODO, 
  • responsibility of data processing, 
  • personal data breach situations, 
  • drawing up appropriate documentation, 
  • familiarisation with the silhouette Data Protection Officer

Completion of the aforementioned course usually results in a specially prepared certificate confirming the acquired competences and carefully prepared RODO documentation, which includes, among other things, various templates of relevant documents. The prices of such training vary and depend on the city in which it is organised, the duration or the issues covered. It is therefore advisable to read through the many offers before making a final choice about attending a training course. Usually such trainings are organised in the biggest Polish cities and it is there that we should look for the offers we are interested in.

In addition to data protection training, there is also individual training on Data Protection Officer. Such a person must be designated within the company concerned. He or she is the liaison between the administration of the corporation and the relevant office. It is therefore worthwhile, once a particular person has been appointed to this position, to send him/her to a properly prepared course. There he or she will learn: 

  • What the work of the Inspector is like, 
  • what rights and responsibilities it has, 
  • what to do in dangerous and risky situations (sudden data loss or theft). 
RODO training

Such training can take up to several days due to the high level of responsibility in this position. Participants can count on all unclear issues being clarified and all their questions answered. In addition, they are provided with study aids or useful materials. Law graduates often enrol on such a course, for whom it is a great addition to their existing knowledge. In this case, they also receive a certificate of competence. RODO and Data Protection Officer training in today's rapidly changing world is very useful for entrepreneurs, CEOs and their employees. It is really worth investing in gaining knowledge of personal data processing and protection.