First aid - requirements

First aid requirements in the scope of companies' obligations are specified in the Labor Code, namely the Act amending the Act of November 21, 2008 (Journal of Laws No. 223, item 1460), Art. 2091.
The Labor Code indicates that the employer is obliged to:
- provide the means necessary to provide first aid in the event of fire, evacuation or other emergencies
- indication of employees who will be responsible for providing it
- ensuring communication with appropriate weddings that are specialized in the field of fire protection and providing medical assistance
The law also indicates that all these activities must be individually tailored to the scope and type of business activity of the enterprise, the number of people who are employees and staying on the premises of the workplace, as well as the risks present in it.
In the event of a breach of the Labor Code, the employer is exposed to a penalty of PLN 1,000 to PLN 30,000.
The Ordinance of the Minister of Labor and Social Policy of September 26, 1997 on general provisions on health and safety at work (Journal of Laws of 2003, No. 169, item 1650, as amended) indicates that the employer is obliged to Providing employees with access to a first-aid system and facilities that works well. The regulations also state that the employer must appoint an employee to handle it. An employee delegated to this task must be properly trained and have a training completion certificate.