employees during OSH trainingOccupational health and safety is a series of rules and regulations that are developed and implemented to ensure the health and safety of employees in the workplace during working hours. Occupational health and safety is a system of protection of the life and health of employees at work, including legal, socio-economic, organizational and technical, sanitary and hygienic, curative and preventive measures, rehabilitation, etc. As defined by the Central Institute for Labor Protection, "Occupational health and safety - general legal standards as well as research, organizational and technical measures aimed at creating such working conditions for the employee as to enable him to perform his work in a productive manner, without exposing him to an unjustified risk of an accident or occupational disease, and excessive physical and mental strain. " The health and safety requirements are set out in the Regulation of the Minister of Labor and Social Policy of September 26, 1997. The rules and principles of health and safety are also included in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, the Labor Code, as well as in ordinances, laws and regulations.

Health and safety and the employer

employees during OSH trainingEvery employer who employs employees is responsible for occupational health and safety in their company. Therefore, in accordance with the labor code, it has specific obligations in the field of health and safety, such as: preventing a possible risk of injury or damage to the health of employees; assessment of the necessary safety, technical, organizational and personal protection measures in order to eliminate the danger; providing security measures to reduce the risk of injury and health hazards; providing employees with safe and convenient working conditions, consistent with the nature of their activities; conducting preventive medical examinations and hiring employees for positions taking into account their health condition; periodic monitoring, assessment and communication of workers' health and safety in the work system, including goals and improvement programs; constant updating of the safety declaration in line with changes in regulations and changes in work processes; continuous training in this area, raising the awareness of all employees about the importance of occupational health and safety; control of legal aspects, technical guidelines and other requirements in all areas related to occupational health and safety, as well as control of the timely and correct implementation of these requirements into practice; cooperation with employees, suppliers, consumers, institutions and other persons and institutions in the field of health and safety and their notification.

Training for employers and people managing employees

Occupational health and safety is an essential and indispensable part of the operation of any company. Any owner who orders tasks and supervises the qualification of specific people should know and follow the rules set out in the regulations. It is extremely important that employers have the necessary knowledge and skills in the field of health and safety, as it is their duties to supervise compliance with health and safety requirements. They are helpful in acquiring and consolidating knowledge and skills safety training for employers and people managing employees. During these training sessions, participants are provided with knowledge in the field of securing employees against work-related hazards, creating safe and hygienic working conditions and the ability to assess the hazards appearing at the workplace and the risks associated with these hazards.